Friday, July 31, 2009


It has been a while....

For someone who graduated with a degree in Communications, I, of all people, sometimes find it hard to convey what I am feeling. I have no problems helping others and listening to others, but when it comes to things I want to say, I often struggle with the ability to put the words together. It is as of late where I am struggling with some thoughts running through my mind...just about life in general. But until I feel like I can express myself correctly, I will remain silent and continue to ponder and reflect....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

No Rest For the Wicked

This year's holiday weekend could be summed up by one word: Eventful. Wisconsin Dells, new Coach purchase, friends & family, music, Riverfest, beer, fishbowls, Transformers, sun & fun! Tomorrow it is back to reality, but also begins my countdown to next weekend's canoe adventure and UFC 100. May the week go smooth!

Cheers to a great holiday weekend & starting the work week on a good note :0)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Deep Thoughts

As of late I've been longing to look into the future to see what's in store for me. I know you can't predict the future, you just have to live one day at a time, but for someone as impatient as myself, it's sometimes a struggle. It's a fear of the unknown. I won't lie, the thought of the future sometimes consumes me. I just heard a David Cook song on the radio and had to download it because some of the lyrics remind me so much of the emotions I have been feeling (basically just the first few lines. I think we all need to take a step back at some point in our lives and look at it and re-evaluate. Just to see if we're on road we're meant to be on).

You say you gotta go and find yourself
You say that you're becoming someone else
Don't recognize the face in the mirror looking back at you
You say you're leaving as you look awayI know there's really nothing left to say
Just know I'm here whenever you need me, I will wait for you
So I'll let you go, I'll set you free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you...come back to me
Take your time, I won't go anywhere
Picture you with the wind in your hair
I'll keep your things right where you left 'em,
I'll be here for you.
Oh, and I'll let you go, I'll set you free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you...come back to me
And I hope you find everything that you needI'll be right here, waiting to see
You find you...come back to me
And I can't get close if you're not thereI can't get inside if there's no soul thereI can't fix you, I can't save you
It's something you'll have to do.
So I'll let you go, I'll set you free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you...come back to me
Come back to me
So I'll let you go, I'll set you free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you...come back to me
And I hope you find everything that you need.I'll be right here, waiting to see.
You find you...come back to me
When you find you...come back to meWhen you find you...come back to me
You find you...come back to me

Older and Wiser ;)

Thank you to all of the amazing people who helped me celebrate getting one year older. Between the delicious sushi, the laughter at The Hangover, and the sore ankle...the whole day was a success :-)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today is my 24th birthday. I can honestly say, this is the first birthday where I have really felt like I'm older. It's crazy for me to think that next year will be one of those milestone birthdays...a quarter of a century! Where does the time go? Nonetheless, I have the pleasure of spending this weekend with my amazing family and friends, nothing gets better than that!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We finally got a Wii. Since both of our birthdays are at the end of this month, and we really don't "need" anything in particular, we figured this would be a fun gift to ourselves. We'd been talking about it on and off but never got one because we're pretty busy people and don't devote much time to the television. However, with the Wisconsin winters we have, we spend an awful lot of time indoors when that time rolls around. I, of course, had to buy Mario Kart. No way I wasn't going to buy that game immediately ;-)

Other than our Wii purchase, life has been busy, actually summer in general has been insanely busy. This week is OJT (on the job training) week for us. It's really nice to actually be at my desk (which I'm slowing decorating) and to feel like we're actually part of the work group. Unfortunately, we go back to class training for 4 hours a day again on Monday until we "graduate" on July 22nd!

Although the days go by super fast it seems, I'm trying to enjoy summer as much as possible. I feel like we've done so much already, and look forward to what is to come! We've got a lot of things on our plate, but this is really the first summer in a few years where we've been able to do things for ourselves!

Attending our first Logger's game of the season with Eddie & Nicole. $25 for the game and all you could eat and drink--amazing!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

You Win Some, You Lose Some

I usually learn something new every day. I think every day there is a life lesson, but it's up to us to uncover it and understand it. Whether or not we agree with what comes of our day, it happened and we must grow from it.

Last week especially, I have been faced with some realities. One being that when it comes to friends, you win some and you lose some. For me I've always been the one who has had an easy time making friends. I am fortunate enough to have many friends from high school that I am very close with. Since high school I have created friendships with many others as well. To me I am puzzled with how people's lives seem to change, so much that they often seem to forget their friendships. I vow never to be like that--that person who pushes away their "old" friends.

Why do our friendships fall apart? What can we do to keep them interesting even as we grow and move in separate directions? Do we blame it on age? Or jobs? Marriage? Who knows I suppose. Everyone chooses their own reasons and rationale for gaining and losing friends. If it were up to me, I'd be in better contact and relationships with those friends who are slowing drifting away.

In addition to friendships falling apart, it's the reality that families have those same breaking points. I have learned that not all families are perfect, and things happen that bring a family together. And things happen that leave you just wondering. But all you can do is be supportive and wait it out, despite how difficult it may be.

So, instead of letting the day slip away from you. Step back and see what you may have learned. It could teach you a lot about yourself as well as others.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Photography is one of my passions.
It makes me happy.
It helps me escape life's little problems.
I love capturing and preserving memories.
Here is a photo I took today. I hope it makes you smile.

This is Lindsay & her 3-month old son Lucas. Her husband, Ben, is overseas. It was my pleasure to help her capture some photos of their sweet baby to send over for a Father's Day present.

A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. ~Ansel Adams
Unlike any other visual image, a photograph is not a rendering, an imitation or an interpretation of its subject, but actually a trace of it. No painting or drawing, however naturalist, belongs to its subject in the way that a photograph does.
~John Berger

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's weekends like the past one I just had that make me wish we could repeat spans of time. The long weekend allowed me to spend time with family (some who I rarely get to see) as well as some of my amazing friends. Times like that make me realize how great life is. It really bothers me when I read people complaining about petty little things. What bothers me even more, is when people take to their status updates on social networks to complain about things that really don't need to be complained about, or just should be kept to themselves.

In reality, complaining in a status, makes you look pretty foolish and ungrateful, in my opinion. We each choose how happy we are and how, for the most part, our lives play out. So, instead of complaining about your job, your friends, your boredom, etc. do something about it. It's all up to you to choose your own destiny.

Sure, I'm not perfect, I occasionally complain about something that is pretty silly in retro-spec, but I try everyday to be thankful just to be alive. Knowing that how my day pans out is up to me, makes me try to live it to it's fullest.

So, if you take at least one thing from this short blog, I hope it's to savor life's moments, whether they are good or bad, and instead of complaining, get up and do something about it.

~*Carpe Diem*~

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank You For Being My Friend

We're all guilty of something. One thing I am guilty of, and I think many others may agree this speaks true for them as well, is taking life for granted. Specifically those who are by our sides daily. For me, these people include my family and friends. Unfortunately, I think it is just human nature to become comfortable with their presence in our lives, that we often forget to say 'thank you' or show our appreciation for what they do for us.

This week in particular I have stepped back and looked at the wonderful friendships I have gained, the friendships I am forming, the friends who have stuck by my side for years, and reflected on those friendships that have diminished.

It has become more apparent that some of my old friends have different priorities in life which have an effect on our friendship. I remember my mom telling me about the time in my life where friends would start moving in different directions, and not to be surprised. Well, the time has come, and I am still surprised by the abrupt changes there seems to be. I am still thankful for the friendship I was able to have with these particular people, however, am sad to see it go and sad that it will never be the same bond.

But those who have stuck by my side, and the ones who I consider my closest friends, are amazing. Usually I am the one offering up advice for others, sharing my personal experiences. I am naturally a listener and someone who wants to help. So, I often neglect my own feelings and do not share them to get advice in return. This week I sought that out, and realized I have very supportive people to talk to. It was nice to get the reassurance and advice. It made me feel less lost and I was able to get back on track. It is that act of friendship that makes it so valuable. I can't imagine not having friends who truly care about you.

It sounds cliche' saying that I don't know where I would be without my friends, but I do feel this way. Life would be so dull without them. Having people to share life's moments with is priceless, and should not be taken for granted. I look forward to continuing to make new friends, and work on the friendships from the past. We can all learn from our friends, it's just up to us to appreciate those friendships and advice, and then return the favor. Thank you to all of those who are there for me. I may not always directly say it or show it, but I truly appreciate that you are in my life. You make life's ups and downs more bearable by just being there.

"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose." - Tehyi Hsieh

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Early Morning

I try to be a leader, not a follower, but this morning I am the latter of the two. A friend of mine recently made the switch from Xanga to Blogger. She has many reasons for this, and I couldn't agree more with them. Blogger was actually the second blog site I ever explored (LiveJournal was first), but I ventured away and blogged on Xanga starting back in 2004. Xanga helped me with sharing my wedding plans and college life, but it's been losing it's appeal over the past year or so. I have met some really interesting people there, and some even helped me complete my undergraduate research paper, which revolved around the world of blogging and disclosure. Now I believe I am looking for a place where I don't feel forced to write about certain topics, and where I can take better control of what I want to write about. I would also like a blogsite that I would be happy for any of my friends to read daily to provide insight or just to see it as something fun to read.

So, here I am, returning back to Blogger to start fresh. New starts are always fun. Writing is a passion of mine, therefore, I choose to blog. I hope to return to more regular blogging with this change. Maybe meet some new people, but most of all to share what's on my mind and to pose life's questions that sometimes just can't be answered.

Here's to new blog beginnings!

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