Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We finally got a Wii. Since both of our birthdays are at the end of this month, and we really don't "need" anything in particular, we figured this would be a fun gift to ourselves. We'd been talking about it on and off but never got one because we're pretty busy people and don't devote much time to the television. However, with the Wisconsin winters we have, we spend an awful lot of time indoors when that time rolls around. I, of course, had to buy Mario Kart. No way I wasn't going to buy that game immediately ;-)

Other than our Wii purchase, life has been busy, actually summer in general has been insanely busy. This week is OJT (on the job training) week for us. It's really nice to actually be at my desk (which I'm slowing decorating) and to feel like we're actually part of the work group. Unfortunately, we go back to class training for 4 hours a day again on Monday until we "graduate" on July 22nd!

Although the days go by super fast it seems, I'm trying to enjoy summer as much as possible. I feel like we've done so much already, and look forward to what is to come! We've got a lot of things on our plate, but this is really the first summer in a few years where we've been able to do things for ourselves!

Attending our first Logger's game of the season with Eddie & Nicole. $25 for the game and all you could eat and drink--amazing!

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